Ronald McDonald House Charities of Kansas City - Wylie House


2525 Cherry St
Kansas City, MO 64108

(816) 842-8321


Provides comfortable lodging convenient to local health facilities, creating a caring and uplifting environment, leveraging community partnerships with affiliated programs that comfort and assist children with health concerns and their families and undertaking resource and fund development activities that support our facilities, programs and services. They provide two houses with a combined capacity of 60 bedrooms and suites and 7 bedrooms in the Family Room inside Children's Mercy Hospital, provide temporary lodging, meals and a place of respite for children and families of children receiving medical treatment in Kansas City.

Handicap Accessible?


Is Shelter?


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Date of Official Change:

May 21, 2024

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

2525 Cherry St
Kansas City, MO 64108

Phone Numbers

Main Phone

(816) 842-8321


(816) 842-7033

Legal Status:





The Wylie House is a facility that provides temporary lodging for families of seriously ill children who must leave their own communities to seek medical care for their child.


Check in or out 24/7

Required Documents



Referral from medical facility social worker is required; Families of children age 21 or younger are eligible to stay at houses with priority given to families who live more than 35 miles from Kansas City area


Donation of $10.00 per night per family is suggested; however families may pay less or nothing at all, depending on their personal circumstances; No family is turned away based on their inability to pay

Intake Procedure

Call for appointment


Translation and interpretive services are available

Service Area

Kansas and Missouri; Priority is for families who live more than 35 miles from the Kansas City area

Geography Served

    If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

  • Kansas
    • Missouri
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