Lilly Insulin Value Program


PO Box 13185
La Jolla, CA 92039

(800) 545-5979


In response to the crisis caused by COVID-19, Eli Lilly and Company is offering the Lilly Insulin Value Program, allowing anyone with commercial insurance and those without insurance at all to fill their monthly prescription at a set reduced amount.

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Date of Official Change:

August 15, 2024

Address Listings

P.O. Box (Primary)

PO Box 13185
La Jolla, CA 92039


Steven Stapleton

Primary Contact


(800) 808-1234

Phone Numbers


(800) 545-5979

Lilly Diabetes Solution Center

(833) 808-1234

Legal Status:



Allows anyone with commercial insurance or no insurance at all to fill their monthly prescriptions of Lilly Insulin for only $35.


Mon-Fri - 8:00am to 6:00pm

Required Documents

Call Solution Center.


Anyone with the need for help in obtaining their insulin medication.



Intake Procedure

Call the Solution Center and speak to a representative who will help the person obtain a co-pay card


- English - Spanish - Translation Services Available - Call for details

Service Area

- Illinois State - Missouri State

Geography Served

    If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

  • Illinois
    • Kansas
      • Missouri
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