Leu Civic Center, Inc.


213 North Market Street
Mascoutah, IL 62258

(618) 566-2175



The Leu Civic Center provides an inclusive and supportive environment to children, families, and individuals to experience a low-cost variety of classes, clubs, athletics, and community events. We offer unique education support to all learners. This includes free tutoring, curriculum/games/manipulatives library, educational/IEP consultations, and daytime homeschool classes. Services include summer camps, Exercise Classes/Groups, Extreme Cold Warming Centers, and Extreme Heat Cooling Centers.

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Date of Official Change:

February 8, 2024

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Year Incorporated:


Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

213 North Market Street
Mascoutah, IL 62258

P.O. Box

PO Box 16
Mascoutah, IL 62258

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Wheelchair Access

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