City Of Kansas City, MO - Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity Department (CREO)


City Hall, 4th Floor
414 E. 12th Street
Kansas City, MO 64106

(816) 513-1836


Human Relations Department


Kansas City, MO residents, workers and patrons who believe they have been discriminated against in employment, housing or public accommodations may inquire as to their rights and options for complaints or actions. The Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity Department (CREO) will investigate and research these complaints and recommend a solution. Also offers assistance in prevailing wage claims and obtaining Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (MWDBE) designation.

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Date of Official Change:

January 4, 2024

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

City Hall, 4th Floor
414 E. 12th Street
Kansas City, MO 64106


Phone Numbers

Main Phone

(816) 513-1836


(816) 513-1805

Legal Status:




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