State of Missouri: Emergency Management Agency


PO Box 116
Jefferson City, MO 65102

(573) 526-9100




To protect the lives and property of all Missourians when major disasters threaten public safety in any city, county or region of Missouri. SEMA responds to two types of disasters, natural and manmade. Natural disasters are major snow and/or ice storms, floods, tornadoes and/or severe weather, as well as the threat of a serious earthquake along Missouri's New Madrid Fault. Man made disasters, also known as technological emergencies, may include hazardous material incidents, nuclear power plant accidents and other radiological hazards. SEMA is also responsible for developing a State Emergency Operations Plan which coordinates the actions of Missouri State government departments and agencies in the event of any emergency requiring use of State resources and personnel. Services include state offices of emergency services, disaster warnings, general disaster preparedness information, and community disaster service center/hotlines.


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Date of Official Change:

March 4, 2024

Address Listings


2302 Militia Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65102

P.O. Box (Primary)

PO Box 116
Jefferson City, MO 65102

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