Address Listings


1020 E 12th St
Kansas City, MO 64106


Marla Nelson

Phone Numbers

Main Phone

(816) 472-7799


Ability KC offers supported employment opportunities through Ability KC Industries. More than 120 trained and professionally supervised clients with disabilities assist with tasks from intricate assembly, detailed handwork, collations to special packaging to meet a broad range of business needs. We empower all individual to reach their greatest level of employment potential, but recognize that everyone can thrive in the competitive workforce environment. Ability KC Industries is one of the few sheltered employment facilities in Kansas City to employ individuals with mental illness.


M-F 7:30am-3:30pm

Required Documents

To be considered for admissions to Ability KC Industries please submit a referral application to the Ability KC Industries Operations Manager.


16+ (If under 24 years of age, must have a recommendation letter from Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation); Possess sufficient emotional control so as to pose no physical threat to themselves or others; Be able to care for personal needs or direct a personal assistant to provide required care. If a personal assistant is required, the assistant must be selected, arranged for and paid by either the participant or their sponsoring agency.


Fee scale available upon request

Intake Procedure

Submit a referral application to the Ability KC Industries Operations Manager. A referral packet can be obtained from a Kansas City Regional Office Case Manager, County Case Manager or Mental Health Case Manager.



Service Area


Geography Served

    If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

  • Kansas
    • Johnson County
      • Wyandotte County
      • Missouri
        • Clay County
          • Jackson County
            • Platte County

            Telephone Numbers

            Main Phone
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